Carried graciously...

How do you design a life that you don’t want to escape from? How can this life evolve, as you change? How can you design a life that continues to fill you up, day in and day out, week after week & even beyond? Yes, one can create an exceptional vision board, take classes for self-exploration & self-growth, buy shiny new things that make us happy in the moment, attend the sought after events & even travel the world, while exploring what lies within; but then what’s next when we find ourselves craving more? Is it enough to simply manifest our desires or do we embrace the process of failing forward & learning from our missteps along the way?

Through my own continuous journey, I've come to realize that crafting this life is cultivated through the everyday moments—the small, seemingly mundane experiences that spark joy - as I like to call them the “in betweens”, like waking up on a Sunday morning to a glass of fresh squeezed OJ made by my husband (in his favorite juicer), trying a new recipe for dinner to prepare for my family (& getting a thumbs up), an al fresco family meal in the backyard on a beautiful spring evening, the very first sip of my favorite South African white wine, Odelia Bukettraube, by Seven Sisters, seeing my new spring Mandevilla flowers bloom as they start to show off to one another, finding a captivating new book, where I can fully immerse myself for a few hours or even my own personal rituals of organizing my space, as the degree of cleanliness in my space is a direction correlation to the clarity of my mind. It’s funny, I had an interesting conversation with my husband about clutter, as it drives me crazy; him on the other hand, not so much - but I guess we’re all programmed differently in that way. And that’s just the thing, we all do things that bring joy or evoke happiness, in our own ways. 

Through all of this, I do believe creating this bespoke life, is like a quilt of people, places & experiences that encompasses who we are. Beyond our individual pursuits, it's leaning into our circle of trust & exercising the friendship muscle that sustains us through life's ups and downs. Whether through seeking guidance from loved ones or offering support in return, our relationships serve as our pillars of strength, grounding us along the way. 

Yet, in the midst of the ‘hellos and goodbyes’ of people, places & experiences, we come to understand that manifestation alone is not enough to bring the dreams that have danced in our minds to fruition; we must actively work towards our goals & simultaneously embrace the challenges and setbacks along the way. 

For me, I must say, it’s been tried & true, that through these moments of struggle I have discovered my resilience, my capacity to adapt and to grow in the face of adversity; all while being carried ever so graciously into the life that I only dreamt about & designed for myself - for that, I’m truly grateful. Life is abundant.

With gratitude,


A glass of Seven Sisters Odelia Bukettraube.

My beautiful Mandevilla flowers in bloom!