Life is beautiful, stay tuned!


It's been nine years since my last blog entry, nine years filled with lots of twists & turns, growth, love, wisdom and unexpected adventures. As I dust off the virtual cobwebs and pull my thoughts together, I find myself flooded with a mix of anxiety, excitement & anticipation of what comes next. So much has changed since I tried this last time, but here I go.

Life has a funny way of leading us down winding paths we never could have predicted. In my case, those paths took me on a journey of self-discovery, growth and exploration. From navigating new career opportunities to embracing personal wins & challenges, each moment has shaped the person I am today.

But I must say, amidst both the chaos and the quiet, one thing has remained constant: my passion for storytelling through words & photos. And so, I find myself returning to this digital canvas, looking forward to sharing slices of my life with you.

As I embark on this new chapter of blogging, I invite you to join me once again to discover, inspire & reflect on everything that this life has to offer.

Here's to new beginnings and the stories yet to be told. Happy Easter! 🌸🐣

With gratitude,


Spring Break-in’ in Hilton Head, SC (Beach hair, don’t care).

Just me!